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Percentage Allocation Management Module (PAMM)


At MarketsVox, the Percentage Allocation Management Module (PAMM) is a unique and efficient way for investors and traders to collaborate in the Forex market.

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What is PAMM?

PAMM allows experienced traders, known as Managers, to manage the funds of multiple investors under a single trading account. This innovative system benefits both parties, as Managers can maximize their trading potential with increased capital, while investors can profit from the trading expertise of skilled Managers.

How Does PAMM Work?

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Manager Setup

An experienced trader opens a PAMM account and becomes the Manager. The Manager's account serve as a master account to which investors allocate their investments.


Investor Allocation

Investors choose a Manager to allocate their funds based on the Manager's trading performance, strategy, and risk profile. Each investor’s allocation is proportionally represented in the PAMM account.


Profit Distribution

Profits (or losses) are distributed among the Manager and investors based on their share of the total invested capital. The Manager typically receives a performance fee, which is a percentage of the profits earned.

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The Manager conducts trading activities using the pooled funds from all investors. All trades executed in the PAMM account are automatically mirrored across the individual accounts of the investors according to their respective allocations. 

How to Get Started with PAMM


Go to your PAMM account
and choose your role


if you haven't done so yet


in the role you want!

Benefits of MarketsVox PAMM



Investing in multiple PAMM accounts can help diversify risk.

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Access to Expertise

Investors benefit from the knowledge and skills of experienced traders without needing to trade themselves.

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Real-time access to the Manager’s performance and trading activities ensures full transparency.

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Hands-Free Investing

Investors can enjoy the benefits of Forex trading without needing to actively manage their investments.

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Performance Fees

Successful Managers can earn substantial performance fees based on the profits generated for investors.

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Reputation Building

Managing a PAMM account successfully can enhance a trader’s reputation in the Forex community.